The Friends of Hughenden Primary School

The Friends of Hughenden Primary School


Mission Statement: To advance the education of pupils in the school by developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school. To raise funds to enable the school to purchase valuable ‘extra’ items that enhance the learning environment for our children. 


Charity Commission Number: 1037344


Who are the ‘Friends’?


The Friends of Hughenden Primary School are a committee made up of a group of parents of current students at Hughenden Primary School. We raise funds to enable the school to purchase valuable ‘extra’ items that enhance the learning environment for our children. In the past, this has included sports/play equipment to enhance the children's play times, resources for a new maths scheme, disco equipment, a complete refurbishment of the school library, replace of the hall gymnasium equipment and 2 adventure play areas; one for each key stage.  We are currently raising funds to re-equip the Knowledge Hub with 16 new laptops to replace outdated equipment.

We raise these funds by organising a variety of social events such as discos, parties and quiz nights coupled with mufti days and bingo evenings.  Our annual Christmas bazaar for the children is always a bit hit and this year we are looking forward to our Summer Fayre, only made possible with the fabulous support of local businesses and a hard working committee. 


What does joining the Friends group entail?

All parents of children at Hughenden Primary School are automatically members of the Friends group and can become as involved as they wish. For example, some people help out by baking cakes to be sold at an event, selling ice-creams and 2nd hand uniform after school, others help organise a film night or a bingo evening. Any help is welcomed, but the greatest need is for people who can join a team to help organise an event. 

Hughenden Primary School is a growing single form entry primary school so every individual counts when trying to raise funds. With such a small community, several events may be needed to fund even moderately priced resources.  The Friends rely on new members joining each year, whether this is new parents to the school, or existing parents who find they have a bit more time to spare.


When do Friends meet?

We meet monthly, on a weeknight, either at the school or the local pub to discuss forthcoming events. Additionally, each September we hold an Annual General Meeting to review the past year’s activities and accounts. We advertise the date of each meeting on the board at the entrance to the school, and by email. 

Although the objectives of the meetings are important, they are light-hearted and all parents are welcome to bring fresh ideas for other money-making initiatives.  

Please contact them by email on