We would like to encourage families that have to travel by car to park at least five minutes away from school and use our School Crossing Patroller. By encouraging park and stride we reduce the number of cars manoeuvring and parking close to the school, creating a safer space for walking, cycling or scooting.
If you are travelling by car, we ask you to park respectfully in the neighbouring roads, park further afield. The area outside our school is busy in the morning and at the end of the school day. Some drivers park irresponsibly, potentially placing children in danger. Please help create a 5-minute protective Walking Bubble around our school so that everyone can travel safely and actively.
We are running The Crocodile Trail on Mondays and Fridays, from The Harrow, Warendeen Road. You can drop your children in the morning and they can walk to school, the rest of the way, with our parent volunteers.