Promoting Sustainable Travel
As a whole school community, we have been working very hard on our School Travel Plan in promoting sustainable travel. We have achieved Very Good Travel Plan accreditation in December 2024.
Our School Travel Plan Policy is available for you to view on the website.
What is Modeshift STARS?
How does it work ?
Established in 2007, Modeshift is a national membership organisation that specialises in sustainable and active travel.
Modeshift STARS (Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for Schools) provides a framework for the implementation of sustainable and active school travel activities. It is an online system that helps schools to input the information they need to produce a nationally recognised Travel Plan. It is a national schools awards scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable transport.
The STARS national accreditation scheme offers four levels: Good, Very Good, Excellent and Outstanding Travel Plan
Sustainable Travel Initiatives focus on topics such as Cycling/ Scooting, Walking, Road Safety & Training, Air Quality, Public Transport.
Supporting Initiatives include Promotion, Curriculum and Partnerships.
- To gain a Good accreditation schools need to demonstrate 10 Sustainable Travel Initiatives, 5 supporting initiative and 2 consultations.
- For Very Good, 20 Sustainable Travel Initiatives, 10 supporting and 7 Consultations.
- For Excellent 25 Sustainable Travel Initiatives, 15 supporting and 10 Consultations.
- For Outstanding Increase in green modes of travel (walk, scooter, cycle) for the entire journey of at least 5 percent in the last 4 years is required.