About Us & Booking Information


About Us & Booking Information
Hughenden Hoppers is the preschool housed within Hughenden Primary School.  We opened in September 2018 and are now firmly established in the community.  
We can offer flexible bookings to suit the needs of our parents with provision for up to 16 children, aged 3 and above.  Sessions are available for mornings, afternoons or full days with the option of staying for lunch and booking hot lunches at an additional charge.    The minimum booking is 2 days.
If you are interested in applying for a preschool place, please complete the booking form and relevant information shown below.  Alternatively, you can email us: office@hughendenprimary.co.uk and we will be happy to send you the booking forms and funding documents to secure your place.
Please see the picture below showing one of our previous year 6 pupils proudly displaying her winning design for our preschool uniform. She has done an amazing job and we are really pleased with the results.
If you would like to contact us to arrange a visit or discuss any booking requirements, please either call on 01494 562501 or email@ office@hughendenprimary.co.uk - our School Business Manager, Mrs Brinkworth will be happy to assist.
Our Hughenden Hoppers Logo - a beautiful mosaic designed and made by the Young Carers Group and funded by the West Wycombe Arts Society


In order to receive Extended hours funding in particular terms, the following dates apply:


Spring Term

Validity start date

Must be on or before 31 December


Validity end date

Must be on or later than 1 January


Age of Child

Must be at least 3 years old by 31 December

Summer Term

Validity start date

Must be on or before 31 March


Validity end date

Must be on or later than 1 April


Age of Child

Must be at least 3 years old by 31 March

Autumn Term

Validity start date

Must be on or before 31 August


Validity end date

Must be on or later than 1 September


Age of Child

Must be at least 3 years old by 31 August

Parents are responsible for ensuring their code is renewed and remains in date.