Late Arrivals
Any pupils arriving after 9.00 a.m. must report to the school office via the front door. Once again this is for safety reasons. Our registers must be accurate at all times in case of fire and emergency procedures. The school office will then sign late children in. Equally, if you are removing a pupil for an appointment or they are late arriving having been to an appointment, they must be signed out/in via the school office and a copy of the appointment letter should be provided.
We would appreciate early notification of absences by email, in person if you are dropping off a sibling or a telephone call to the school office, using our automated reporting system. Our preferred method is via email please to: Please do ensure we are notified no later than 9am.
There have been changes to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 which came into effect on the 1st September 2013 and affect the authorisation of term-time holidays. Previously, Headteachers have been able to authorise leave for a family holiday during term-time in special circumstances of up to 10 days in a year. However, the new regulations do not contain this provision. Any requests for leave must be put in writing addressed to the Chair of Governors/Headteacher and emailed to the school office. National Standard Assessments are administered during the month of May. It is essential that holidays are avoided during this month.
All absences are tracked and reported to the governing body termly. Any pupil with an attendance rate of 90% or less is monitored very closely and parents will be required to work with the Headteacher to improve attendance. If a pupil is absent and we have not been notified by 9am, you will receive a call or email from the school office to check their whereabouts and ensure they are safe. It is for this reason that we ask you to telephone and let us know that your child will not be in school and for what reason. A copy of appointment letters should be provided ahead of time. The safeguarding of pupils is always paramount.