New equipment for Foundation
A write up from one of our Parents/Class Rep:
My son came home and was so excited about the day he had. He was beaming as he shared his good news :
‘Mummy , Mrs Hooper was telling us that the parents had bought the blocks and she was saying thank you. I really enjoyed playing with them. We took turns and I played with my friends and we made a petrol station to park the cars in. Then we looked at the shapes and were building with them.'
What a fantastic idea, to get the the giant building blocks! It’s great to have your child coming home so happy and eager to take part in making things and learning and so excited that they have the blocks. I am so glad that they have been a super hit. My Son was extremely impressed , he even asked me to buy some for home!!!! Although seeing the size of them, I am pretty sure that won’t be happening very soon!!!
Definitely great for Foundation children and their learning as they will understand more about shapes, structures, problem solving, maths and much more .
Foundation parents, others from the school and the PTA have been brilliant In helping us raise funds so the children could have this equipment. Just shows what you can achieve when you come together . Great idea Mrs Hooper and look forward to seeing pictures of the children with these.
The solution to end lost uniform is here!
Stikins labels are now available to purchase through this link - every purchase benefits the Friends Of Hughenden Primary School. Please follow the link below to continue and the school will receive a commission based on all sales.
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Like every school, we at Hughenden can think of more things to do than we have money to spend. We are grateful to the Friends of Hughenden School for the support that they already provide, but we are always on the lookout for other ways for people to support us. However we do need to make it clear that we are talking about voluntary contributions, as set out in our Charging Policy (see below), and we treat all children the same whether or not a contribution is made.
School Fund
The School Fund has a number of purposes. It acts as a channel for payments to the school for things like school meals, trips, and musical tuition. It also is where voluntary donations can be made, and we are very grateful to those parents who make such donations. Because the School Fund is a charity we can recover income tax using the Gift Aid scheme, so if you make a donation to the School Fund and pay income tax, please make sure you have filled out a Gift Aid form so we can recover the tax. The School Fund Charity number is 1059145.
We need make it absolutely clear that any voluntary donations are used to enhance provision and are not used to make up for any inadequacies in government funding. Neither are they used to subsidise school meals, or any other school activity.